onsdag 17. september 2008

The Driver from HELL!!!! [part 4]

Hello Toonoisy, 

Thank you for contacting HP Total Care. I gather from your email that you have tried all the troubleshooting steps and the #No HP Device detected# issue still unresolved.

I understand your concern and I am happy to assist you in troubleshooting the issue.

Toonoisy, I suggest you to try the steps mentioned on the following HP webpage to troubleshoot the issue further. 


NOTE: Clicking the link may give an error indicating it is invalid. If this occurs, copy the portion of the address on the remaining line(s) and paste it at the end of the address showing in your browser until the complete address is displayed in the Address box. 

I want to be sure the troubleshooting steps provided in the website resolve the issue. If the issue continues, please reply to this message with the results. We will be glad to assist you further.

You may receive an e-mail survey regarding your e-mail support experience. We would appreciate your feedback. 

For information on keeping your HP and Compaq products up and running, please visit our Web site at: http://www.hp.com/go/totalcare 

[some other guy] 
HP Total Care


= "Your pc is FUBAR, try this semi-comforting link instead"

1 kommentar:

Thomas D.J sa...

Du skulle vært ansatt hos HP, for den konklusjonen din var vel egentlig alt det utdypende svada-svaret handla om!
Nais! ;)