fredag 30. januar 2009

Stop nagging, Toonoisy!

As you should be aware of by now, this is yet another blog entry in English. And you know what this means, don't you? I still haven't figured out how to fix my tiny Eee so that it actually functions as a Norwegian PC, not an American one. Grrr...

I have returned home from Tenerife, safe and sound (and disappointingly white), and I feel I owe to my growing audience to update you poor sods, who weren't in Tenerife, how it turned out.

Day 4 (cont.)
Checked my email
Discover that Jeff Dunham is coming to Norway this Easter :D
Order a very, VERY nice edition of Beedle the Bard from Amazon
Read in a book
First glass of beer outside that had a handle on it!

Day 5
Go to a market and buy cool, overpriced stuff
Make arrangements for a trip under the sea
More homework
Read more in a book
See a really creepy and horrible clown/mime
Second compliment
First bananasplit (yummy)
Watch my sister being scared half to death by an electric puppy, and subsequently have a laughing fit
Have two Guinness at an Irish pub

Day 6
Bully my sister by impersonating scary battery operated toy dogs
Bully my sister
Go in a yellow submarine and see fish, stingrays and energetic divers - but no sharks :-(
More bullying
More reading/sleeping/homework
Still more bullying
Successfully annoy my sister (mowahahahaaaa)

Day 7
(not a very exciting day)

Day 8
In-flight movie
In-flight movie No.2
Gardermoen airport
Taxfree-shopping galore
Night train to Trondheim
-rm (yeay!)

In short, a very relaxing and fun holiday in the middle of school term. It's funny how a week in Tenerife may seem like a month, whereas two days back in school feel like two weeks of hard work....

Pictures will be available on Facebook as soon as PC-ingly possible.

onsdag 21. januar 2009

Sluta tjata nu, Toonoisy!

Heisann hoppsann. Nå befinner jeg meg på en svensk internettcafè på Tenerife hvor de tre siste bokstavene i alfabetet ser slik ut: äöå. Så de bokstavene bruker jeg nå. Artig det der med å ha forskjellige tastaturer :)

Dette er da altså en aldri så liten oppdatering av hva dagene på Tenerife har bydd på, jeg har nemlig laget meg en liste og her fölger de artigste punktene:

Dag 1:
- Flyplass
- Fly
- Flymat
- Flydo
- Ny flyplass
- Hotell
- Förste alkoholenhet
- Förste shopping

Dag 2:
- Frokost
- Lunsj
- Andre shopping
- Middag
- Förste möte med reiseselskapet
- Spiste is. Nam.

Dag 3:
- Förste solsengdag
- Förste dypp i vann
- Lunsj
- Årets förste utepils :D
- Förste kompliment fra fremmed mann
- Middag (på en veldig god indisk restaurant. Namme!)

Dag 4:
- Frokost
- Lunsj
- Förste dag på stranda (aka. Strandlövedagen)
- Gjöre lekser (fliiinke Toonoisy!)
- Förste internettcafè

.. og det er det jeg har gjort hittil, summert opp i praktisk format.

Videre så kan fölgende sitater nevnes:
Toonoisys bestemor: Er ikke sånne Bayran-briller gode, da?
Toonoisy: Joda, Rayban så!

Toonoisys mamma: En sånn der auberginer... (om en mann)
Toonoisy: Aboriginal fra Australia, kanskje?

Toonoisys söster, The Lady: Jeg tror jeg blir brun på magen. That is good.
*löfter solbrillene og ser ned en gang til* -Never mind!


Og forresten, nå har den der Special Edition Super Fantastic Utrolig Megakule versjonen av Beedle The Bard blitt tilgjengelig på Amazon igjen, og GJETT hvem som allerede har bestilt den! :D Yeay!

søndag 11. januar 2009

2009's first blog-entry

First off, let me explain why this is in English. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm trying to impress everyone and will try a different language each week, oh no, not at all... In fact, I'm not intentionally trying to impress anyone, it's just that some friend of mine updated my firefox on my extremely cute and nice Eee-laptop and accidentally changed my keyboard from Norwegian to English. Therefore, I don't have the last three letters of the Norwegian alphabet available anymore... even though they still are clearly printed on my keyboard and the configuration of the machine still thinks I have a Norwegian keyboard. "Oh well," thought I. "I might as well make the best of it and write in English, if not for anything else than the practice it gives me."

So, to bring you all up to date: I'm writing this on my Eee and I'm currently visiting my other friend, Anderz, 's cabin close to the border of Sweden. And yes: we have been over the border to buy ehm... soda! and *cough* potato chips. Yes, potato chips. Yep. And we have internet.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the first blog of the New Year. YEAY!

So, to start off I'll just mention that I've had an extremely good start in the new year and am very, VERY, exited to continue my study to be a music teacher. I think I have the best class everr, they're so cool and funny and social! And this week we have been practicing and perfoming a self-composed skit - all thoroughly without the interruptions of teachers :-)

We have been playing a mixture between Swedish Danceband and Reggae, and it works! It works so well, it's scary - really scary. I've been struggling to fall asleep lately because when all is silent except the wall-mounted clock's tick-tack, tick-tack, the songs haunt me and I start signing inside my head. And then I start giggling. And then I remember the character Olle-Bosse's struggle to impress the "lead-singer" Kikki-Lotta as she falls helplessly in love with Jamaican Bobb. And then the laughing fit is a fact, and I can't stop laughing. And when I do, the music creeps back in my head and I'm back to where I started. DAMN YOU CATCHY SONG!!!

Oh, and I have been skiing this weekend: in Are (pronounced ore-eh) in Sweden, also known as the Swedish Alps. And that was really sweet, not just because we eventually had a cloud-free day, but also because we went swimming afterwards. AND had some ice cream. AND hot chocolate. And when we got back at the cabin, we saw the coolest film I've seen this year: "Deathproof" - directed by Quentin Tarantino. And that name should ring a bell. If it doesn't, please find Thomas DJ and ask him to hit you. In other words: a really great day!

Still not laughing? Try this link, it might help.